Updated over a week ago


Factors helps you stay on top of your marketing and sales efforts by sending real time alerts for the events you care about the most. You can create a custom alert to notify you anytime a prospect visits a high intent page like the pricing page. You can also setup alerts for tracking KPIs such as if website visitors decrease by more than X% MoM or WoW.

With our integrations with communication software such as Slack, you can configure these alerts to be sent in real time to channel(s) of your choice.

Here is an example of how alerts would look inside Slack for:

  1. KPI based Alerts

    2. Event Based Alert

If you haven’t already, you can integrate Slack with Factors with this quick guide↗️

Setting up Event Based Alerts

Creating events-based alerts inside Factors is easy, let's create an alert for each time a known prospect visits our pricing page.

  1. Log in to your Factors account and click on the Configuration icon, inside Click on Alerts.

  2. Click on the + Add New from the top right inside Event Based.

  3. Give your custom alert a name and select the event for which you wish to set up this alert from the dropdown.

  4. Additionally, you can add a filter to trigger an alert only if the event matches certain parameters. Eg- We want to get an alert if an account from our target list comes on the pricing page.

  5. Optionally, you can limit the number of alerts you get by limiting alerts for the same instances or putting an upper cap on the number of alerts you get in a day.

  6. Add a message to accompany the alerts along with any properties you intend to see with these alerts.

  7. Choose the destination application and the channel(s) where you want to get these alerts.

  8. Hit Save and you are done! Your Custom Alert has now been set up inside Factors.

Setting up KPI-based events

Creating KPI-based alerts inside Factors is easy, let's create an alert for a change in the number of Unique Users coming from Paid-Social compared weekly.

  1. Log in to your Factors account and click on the Configuration icon, inside Click on Alerts.

  2. Click on the + Add New from the top right inside KPI Based.

  3. Give your custom alert a name and select the event for which you wish to set up this alert from the dropdown.

  4. Add a filter to create an alert only if the KPI matches certain parameters. For our example, we want to see alerts only when the channel is Paid Social.

  5. Now add an operator and qualifier for evaluation of this KPI. If the evaluation returns true, an alert will be sent to you.

  6. Add the time period for evaluation of this KPI’s data. We will select weekly as we wish to track weekly changes in this KPI.

  7. Select the Delivery option(s) for this alert. This is where the alert will be sent. For Slack and Teams, you can select the channel(s) you wish to send this alert to and for email, you can simply add the destination email addresses.

  8. Hit Save and you are done! Your Custom Alert has now been set up inside Factors.

This is how you can set up Custom Alerts inside Factors for your organisation.

Need more help setting up Alerts for your organisation?
You can reach out to us via Intercom Chat or write to us at

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